Oh Hey… New Dining Set!

It's Official. 
I need a chaperone the next time I go to Target. 

I went in looking for toilet paper… 
And came out with a whole new dining set. 


And completely feel they are justified!

Three years ago when my boyfriend and I moved in together we did what every merging of two worlds does… went to Ikea! We stalked up on kitchen supplies and they have been doing us well ever since! But 3 years, 4 apartment moves, 2 states and lots of dishwasher runs… our plates had seen better days! 

Which brings me to last Wednesday! 
I'm wandering through target (dangerously unchaperoned) and I come across these plates. 

Annnnd I basically right then and there that we needed them! 

Oh and did I mention that I couldn't resist and bought new placemats to go with them?!

Love it all! 

And if you are curious about the centerpiece… I posted about that recently… here!


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