Plant Babies

Last week Momfessionals did a post she titled Plant Lady and as I read it I laughed to myself because the last couple week's I have been a bit of a plant lady myself! Home Depot is my bff and I may be a little addicted to their plant section. So today I wanted to share some of the plants I have floating around my home! 

Introducing the kitchen window plants! 

This bamboo was my Louisiana work plant and is the only plant that made it to Massachusetts in one piece. It has only ever lived in my window-less office so now that it is exposed to all this light it has grown quite a bit! 


This little yellow and purple guy was a gift and honestly I have no clue what type of flower it is but ever since I re-potted it, it has been thriving! Brings some sunshine on a cloudy day!

This Basil is 100% Willow's plant. Willow's favorite bunny treat is to have fresh basil. This plant is also on the newer side so I am trying to pick the leaves sparingly to give it some time to grow. 

I fell in love with this little Jade plant and with a 3$ price tag couldn't resist!

I have high hopes for this Ivy. I am hoping it gets huge with long Ivy arms!

I got this Peperomia on a whim and, like the Ivy, hope it gets a lot bigger! The pots for the Ivy and the Peperomia are from my grandmother and I think they are so pretty!

Moving away from the Kitchen I have a couple other plants floating around!

This Aloe is from my mom. I can't tell if it has taken root yet or not. Nothing is better for a sunburn then some fresh aloe! 


And finally I have this little (and when I say little I mean 3 feet tall) palm tree in our dining room. I have no idea how tall it intends to grow but it is perfect for our open corner spot. 

I am trying to cut myself off from plant buying for a while to see how my current ones grow! Wish me luck!


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