Buffumville Lake

The other day my cousin called me up and asked if I wanted to explore a new trail with him and his pup! We did the north loop of Buffumville Lake (3 miles) and the funniest part is we had both been there before! Little did we realize we spend Easter on this lake every year since our second cousins have a house is right on the lake! It really is a small world sometimes!

The hike was really nice! Flat and quiet. I don't think we saw a single person the entire walk! Downside: it is poison ivy and tick season... in hindsight I should of worn sneakers instead of flip flops! Whoops! 


My cousins pup is the funniest water loving pup ever! She can't handle not being in the water and probably swam most of the walk!


By the time we left she was one happy water logged pup!

That is all for today! Happy Thursday! 



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