One Beautiful Marathon

On Sunday we went to cheer on my future brother-in-law (Jeff) as he ran the Walter Childs Marathon out in Holyoke, MA .... and it was gorgeous! Holyoke is out in western Mass in the mountains and the entire route was beautiful. A complete 180 from watching the Boston Marathon a couple weeks ago!

The first two miles of the marathon look miserable. It is completely uphill! But once you reach the top it starts to get really pretty! You run through the woods and then come out to a reservoir which the runners lap twice. 




Yes I know my eyes are hidden in shadow but look how pretty it is!

We watched and cheered on the runners by the water at the top of a hill! 



From here the runners ran along some gorgeous neighborhoods and farms!


Ryan's sister jumped in and ran the last 6 miles with Jeff so we had two people to cheer on!



Crossing the finish line! 

I can't imagine running a marathon. 3+ hours of just running! At least this one was super pretty!!  


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