Happy 5th Birthday Willow!

Today is all about Willow's 5th Birthday! #BirthdayBunny

This is Favorites, Some Fun & a Fluffy Bun after all! You were sufficiently warned!  
Five years ago an accidental 11 baby bunnies were born and one of them was always meant to be part of our family! 

Our Willow Story:

During the summer of 2012, I found myself both working and going to grad-school full-time. I had zero social life - not because of the lack of things to do - but simply because when I would get home, I just wanted to hang out and do nothing. I decided I needed a pet.... one that could handle my crazy schedule (dog), could handle my unconditional love and cuddles (cat) and one that was up for being my best fluffy friend. I settled on a bunny! Growing up, we had a pet bunny (Snowball may he rest in bunny heaven) so I knew the commitment that having a bunny entailed. I wasn't going into this blindly and I wanted to do my bunny justice! So I started the search! I wanted to adopt a bunny that needed my love as much as I needed theirs! I was looking through the sad craigslist pages where people post the pets they can no longer keep and found this page of a man who had pet bunnies that accidentally had babies that he did not want. I was clicking through the bunnies pictures and I just knew one of these bunnies were mine.      

This was Willow's Craigslist photo!

Now I have never made any sort or transaction on Craigslist before and this was around the time the "Craigslist Killer" was out and about so I was overly cautious about going to pick up my bunny. I made my mom (who couldn't of been more excited to come see baby bunnies) and Ryan (who couldn't believe I was getting a pet) come with me. We were all presently surprised! The man who had the bunnies lived on a farm and had donkeys, a horse and a barn with chicken's and bunnies. He seemed to really care for his pets so I knew the babies were being well taken care of. And along came my bunny! He hopped right into my shoebox and I knew he wanted to come home with me! The whole car ride home we tossed many names around and finally settled on Willow!

Willow was not always a boy… well obviously he was, but we didn't know that! The man we got him from said he was she and when Willow went to the vet for the first time they also confirmed that it was a girl bunny! We didn't find out that Willow was in fact a boy until I took her to be spayed. The vet called me to apologize that she was in fact a he and he needed to be neutered! We obviously didn't know that Willow was a boy at the time of naming him and by the time we found he was a boy bunny the name had stuck! Thank goodness "Willow" is a semi-unisex name! 

He were such a fluffy puff ball here! 


Bunnies first carrot! 

(Just look at those cheeks!) 

I wish he was still this little! By no means could he fit in a shoebox now!! According to the vet he is a 3/5 on the bunny obesity scale!!! Nickname: The Chubster! Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

He isn't always an angel... he has his moments:

Ryan and Willow have the best bond! Just a man and his bunny!

And Willow is always up for some kisses! 

Happy Birthday Willow!! We love you!


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