50 Shades Trilogy

So I re-read the 50 Shades Trilogy and they were just as eh as I remember them. I didn't even completely finish the third book... just sort of put it down one day and never picked it back up. 

I decided to re-read the books because I couldn't remember the story line at ALL and needed a refresher before the second movie came out. I'm pretty sure the movie came out in February (around valentines day?) and I am not sure if I even want to see it now having gotten through the books.

Here is my biggest issue: the story-line is too damn slow. There are so many times I would read one of Anastasia's thoughts and think... didn't I read this already?! It just dragged. 

Overall I don't hate the books. The fact I have read them twice now proves that there is something good there. The first movie wasn't bad either. The casting was spot-on. 

Not completely finishing book three has put me in a book slump. I haven't picked up another one since way before we moved but really want to get back into it!

Any recommendations out there!?


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