What's Up Wednesday! December 2016

Happy What's Up Wednesday! 

 I am linking up with The Larson LingoMix & Match Family and  Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been going on this past month

To read my past What's Up Wednesday posts…

What we're eating this week…

Everything out of our refrigerator! On Thursday we are flying up to Massachusetts to spend Christmas and New Years with our New England family and friends! We have to clean that fridge out so that nothing goes bad while we are gone!
What I'm reminiscing about…

This past summer my mother sold my childhood home... And since both of my parents live in small one bedroom apartments now, I am spending Christmas this year with Ryan's family. It is definitively going to be different!

A couple months ago I wrote two farewell posts dedicated to the home I grew up in and it really helped me say goodbye. I will probably re-read these posts if I start to feel sad not being there over Christmas.

Farewell to Home Part 1
Farewell to Home Part 2 

What I'm loving…

This little fluffy guy! He loves the Christmas tree so much!!



What we've been up to…

Work Holiday Parties
Christmas Shopping
Christmas Baking
Watching Christmas Movies
Hanging by the Christmas Tree
And prepping for our week long trip in MA!

What I'm dreading...

The guy on the radio this week said that December 22nd is projected to be the worst travel day of the year (including Thanksgiving)! And go figure - that is when we flying up north! I am dreading TSA lines, crowded airports and a super fast connection in Detroit! I foresee some airport running in our future tomorrow!

What I'm working on…

This may seem silly... but I am working on planning a fantasy vacation! Every year I get the travel itch and need to go somewhere new and exciting. This past year we did a lot of long weekend getaways but I am craving something a little further and a little longer! I would love to go back to Europe or go on a cruise somewhere tropical! Ready to get away and explore!


Doesn't this look like heaven??

What I'm exited about…

Eleven days in Massachusetts!
Bring on the snow, family, friends, Christmas and New Years!

What I'm watching/reading…


This week we have watched all of our favorite Christmas movies! I love the classics!



I really wanted to read Elin Hilderbrand's Winter series over vacation, but accidentally bought book #2 instead of book #1! Whoops! I am hoping I can run to the bookstore before my flight and get the correct one! I am glad I realized this before starting the second book... I would of been super confused!


What I'm listening to…

Christmas Music 24/7!

What I'm wearing…

Seems like my color for the season is Maroon/Burgundy! I have a heavy winter coat, puffer vest, pair of jeggings, holiday dress and multiple scarves in these colors! You can bet I will be rocking these colors throughout the holiday! I got my nails done on Monday with the same color!

Essentially the "Maroon Outfits" Pinterest page is my life!

What I'm doing this weekend…

On Christmas Eve I will be celebrating Kucious (Lithuanian Christmas... you can read about it here) and then relaxing on Christmas with Ryan and our families! 

What I'm looking forward to next month…

The beginning of 2017! My only resolution is to pay off at least one student loan! Maybe 2017 will be the best year yet!



  1. Have a great trip to MA! First time visitor here from the linkup! Loved visiting your blog. My husbands parents sold his family's home last year and it was so bittersweet. May you have a great Christmas!!!!


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