It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Wish List

 For the next two weeks I will be participating in Sarah and Victoria's new Christmas link-up: It's the Most Wonderful Time of The Year! I love all things Christmas and was super excited to find a link up to share all things Merry and Bright! 

Today's theme is Christmas Wish List!

Both of my parents keep asking me what I want for Christmas and in my head all I can think of is... man anyone want to pay off my student loans and buy me a new car (which is about to die any minute now)?! **sigh** 

But since the theme is Christmas Wish List I suppose I can add some super unrealistic items?!

1. One semi-realistic thing that I need/want is new luggage! I travel a LOT and my 8 year old luggage is falling apart. My only criteria for new luggage was that I wanted it to have wheels that rotated 360 degrees and that the small bag had to be carry-on size. I found this 3 piece set that will do the trick! 

 2. Another thing that we really need (but don't want to spend the money on) is new kitchen pots. The cheap non-stick ones I bought when Ryan and I moved in together are loosing the teflon and getting real close to being unusable. We are thinking of switching to stainless steel but are not 100% ready to commit. Can someone tell me why pots and pans are soooo expensive!? These ones are $800! That's insane!! 

 3. A new camera! I love taking pictures but my Canon is basically out of date at this point... which means I use my iphone as my primary photo source these days. I really want to get a new camera before I have kids so that I can obsessively have photo shoots of them! Since I do not plan to have kids for the next couple years - there is no rush - but that doesn't mean that I am not on the lookout! When I do decide to make the commitment I think I am going to make a switch to Nikon. 

4. I also really want a new comforter set! I may or may not have already bought sheets for my future dream comforter! This is the style I'm thinking..


Really love this one....

Or maybe something like this

So those are some of the things on my dream Christmas Wish List! If only I had a couple extra $$$ to throw around! I have been pretty thrifty lately because (as I mentioned earlier) my car is going to die any minute now so I need to have the money ready to go when the time comes! The goal was always to make it to 2017 so there may be a new car in my near future!


  1. I really thought about putting luggage on my list too! This year, when we got back from Europe, my husband literally threw my suitcase (from high school.. haha!) away bc it was looking too rough to keep traveling with us! Haha!

    1. You don't realize how essential luggage is until you really need a new set!! Do you have a brand you recommend??

  2. Do you have a store like Ross or TJ Maxx near you? We got my husband Samsonite luggage from there this summer! And yes, pots and pans are extremely expensive...but much needed! Thanks for linking up with us!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. Oh thanks for the recommendation!!! I'll take a look at it! My sister works for TJX corporate offices so maybe she knows some good deals! =)

  3. A practical girl...I love it! Luggage and new pots and pans I could totally go for. Nice choices on the comforters too.

    1. Thanks!! I feel like you can't go wrong with new pots and pans!

  4. Great list! Those are fabulous things to ask for. I got new pots and pans five or six Christmases ago and they still make me happy now! Luggage is a great gift. My mom gifted me a fabulous set 17 years ago that I still use. Merry Christmas!

    1. Those sounds like the perfect luggage set if it is still going strong!!!

  5. i really likes your blog and You have shared the whole concept really well. and Very beautifully
    soulful read! thanks for sharing.
    GCLUB มือถือ


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