Harold (Harry) The Christmas Tree

This year Ryan and I decided we were going to cut down our Christmas Tree. We picked the place, drove an hour and discovered that the trees were Cyprus Pines and they didn't have that awesome Christmas tree smell. That pine smell is high priority in our household so we were a little disappointed. The tree farm had some pre-cut imported classic evergreens (super yummy smelling) and we decided to pick up one of those! 

This is us with the Cyprus Trees we decided we didn't want to cut down.

My family has a tradition of naming our Christmas Tree every year. This year we decided to name ours Harold (Harry for short)! So introducing Harold the Christmas Tree! 



He is a pretty awesome tree! Almost 2 weeks with us and still drinking a bunch of water! Hopefully he will stay luscious all of December! He is fully decorated now but I will wait to share those pictures with the rest of my Christmas decorations next week!


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