The Himalayan Salt Lamp

So I got home last night from work and found this Christmas present from my aunt and uncle...

A Himalayan Salt Lamp! 

Have you guys heard of these?? 

I had to do some research! I opened the package and was like... a rock lamp? Huh!? But apparently this is a thing! 

According to Natural Living Ideas there are 10 reasons to get a Himalayan Salt Lamp...

1. They cleanse and deodorizer the air 
2. Reduce allergy and asthma symptoms 
3. Eases coughing
4. Increases energy levels
5. Neutralizes Electromagnetic Radiation
6. Better Sleep
7. Improve mood and concentration 
8. Treat seasonal affective disorder 
9. Reduces Static Electricity
10. Environmentally friendly light source   

And just from staring at it I would like to add 11. It's really pretty! 

So here is the truth - would I ever buy one of these? Probably not. But I am totally open to the idea of it! I told my sister I got one and she freaked out - she was a mix of jealous and super excited!  I have literally never even heard of these until yesterday so who knows!!

Anyone hear of these? Opinions? Thoughts?


  1. I want one of these so badly for my office! I love that you received it as a gift & didn't know much about them before hand. I love them & hope you do too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is the first time I've heard of any supposed well being advantages to Himalayan salt lamps. I have one at residence, although - it is an attractive first-rate night time gentle.

  4. I really liked as a part of the article. With a nice and interesting topics
    Himalayan Salt Lamp


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