Go Call Your Grandparents

I interrupt this marathon of Christmas themed posts for something that happened to me last week that I feel the need to share. As you may or may not know I work in clinical trials and interact with a lot of patients. I had a face to face visit with one of my patients last week and she broke my heart. The poor woman broke down in tears in my office telling me how lonely she is, about how her children live internationally and she never hears from them. About how she fills her days with exercise and volunteer work because she doesn't have very many friends and no family around. She was just so lonely.

Broke my heart.

All I wanted was to hug her and tell her that I would be her new best friend! 
That and I wanted to hunt her children down and give them a piece of my mind for not calling enough!

So please - take this message and go call your grandparents. Go call your parents. Go call any family member or friend who lives alone. 

It is the holidays which are not full of love and cheer for everyone. Reach out and stay in contact. A single phone call could make someones day! 


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