Weekend Recap on a Tuesday!

Hello and Happy Tuesday! 

The weekend got away from me so I apologize for no post yesterday! 

Here is what our weekend looked like... 

Saturday we picked up Ryan's Grammy and took her to see Ryan's Papa at the nursing home. We hung out there for a couple hours then we took Ryan's Grammy out for lunch. She got the craziest Onion soup which had the most extreme cheese in it! I wish I got a picture but she struggled so hard with the stretchy cheese - it kept cracking us all up! 

Ryan's grandparents have this cute little greenhouse and when we dropped her off we couldn't resist stopping in the greenhouse! So cozy for a chilly February day in Massachusetts!


In the afternoon Ryan and I wedding'd hard! We booked some stuff for our honeymoon, ordered some gifts and updated our budget. 

Sunday was dedicated to the Superbowl.

Who I Cheered for: Patriots
Favorite Commercial: Either the Tide Series or Doritos 
Thoughts on Performances: Pink did awesome and I really loved Justin Timberlake's half time show. The Prince tribute seemed a little strange to me but overall JT killed it. Would of been better if there was a N*SYNC reunion =P


We were at Ryan's parents house watching the game and right after the halftime show I headed home. I get up around 5:00am and wasn't looking to stay up till the end of the game. #IMissCentralTime

By 9:30pm I looked like this...

Finally finished the Elin Hilderbrand book the Castaways (not my favorite - took me FOREVER to get through) and was asleep by 10! 



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