A Full Weekend Recap

This weekend was Ryan's Bachelor Party and his birthday! Though I can't speak to what they were up to... I can say they were all really excited and Ryan was all smiles to have his best friends all in one place! 

While they were partying it up in Portland, Maine - I started my weekend my girlfriends! We went out to breakfast and talked all things boys! 

Breakfast was followed by a trip to the nail salon! I loveee the color I ended up with! It is a nude/blush pink and the color was called Romantic... so perfect!


The afternoon I went shopping. I was on a hunt for tank tops and seemed to buy everything but! Whoops! 

These shoes were totally unnecessary but I love them and justified that they were needed for my shower or the honeymoon - I promised the shopping gods that they will get good use and lots of love!

By the time I got home for shopping I was pooped! I snuggled up on the couch and watched Call The Midwife on Netflix until bed! 

In the middle of the night it snowed somewhere between 3 and 5 inches! Since Ryan was gone for his party I spent a good hour digging out both our cars... got my work-out in for the morning!

Which then brings me to soft and cuddly portion of my weekend! 

After I came in from shoveling, Willow was in a snuggly mood. 

I squeezed some bunny snuggles in and headed to my goddaughters house! She got a puppy for her birthday and I was so excited to meet the little fluff ball.

I picked up cupcakes from this awesome bakery called Queenscup...

and they even make "PupCakes" for dogs! Had to get one for the puppy!


When I got to their house the puppy was sooo sleepy!
Poor bugger couldn't even keep his eyes open! 


But it slowly started to wake up and say hi!




My goddaughter and her brother are super into Star Wars so the puppies name is Luke! Luke is the CUTEST!! Like a little fluffy teddy bear. I am not convinced that he is even a real dog! 

My weekend ended with some food shopping, work prep and some wedding activities! 

I missed Ryan a bunch but it was a really fun weekend!


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