Zika Virus: Be Informed

So here is the deal. I have heard a lot of rumors buzzing around about the Zika Virus lately and honestly it has started to get frustrating. Don't just believe what you see on social media. 

Be informed 
Be educated 
Don't spread rumors 
Be prepared 

Lack of knowledge is what creates fear. Want reliable information? Trust the experts! 

Here are two great ways to get informed: 

1. Louisiana State University Health Science Center put on a 2 hour forum which consists of many different presentations created by doctors and experts in the field. The forum: Zika Virus - What You Need to Know can be watched here. If you don't have two hours, thats ok! Each presentation is also available so that you can click through them at your own time and pace. I watched this entire thing and think it is a perfect tool for educating yourself.  

2. Another super reliable place for information: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. As of June 8th, 2016 there are still 0 cases of locally acquired Zika Virus. That is so important to know! Yes there may be 691 cases in the United States... but so far no one got it here!  


It doesn't get much better then information straight from the CDC! 


Here is the thing: I do truly believe mosquitos caring the Zika Virus will hit the United States in the near future. I just want people be aware of what we do know vs. what we don't know about the virus so that everyone can speak about it in an educated manor! 


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