Stranded With… Month 3!

Every month I am linking up with Mix & Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything for a new-ish monthly link-up where the big question is… If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take 3 things what would they be?! I love this new link-up! Such a fun idea!
To read my April list for Medicine Cabinet Items click… here!
To read my May list for Books click… here!
To read my May list for Books click… here!
And for this month…
The theme is Netflix Series!
1. LOST - Considering I am lost on a deserted island… there is no way I not bringing the TV show based on the entire concept of being lost... the irony is not lost on me! lol! I didn't get into LOST when it was on TV... but when I first got Netflix, it was the first series I binged through… and I loveeee it! I think I have gone through the entire thing twice by now and I love the theology behind the show. I truly believe this might be one of the best TV shows of all time!
2. Grey's Anatomy - Confession time. Grey's Anatomy is by far my favorite TV show. I have been a die-hard fan since it came out and I think at this point I might be a little too emotionally invested in the show! I would have to bring Grey's with me because it is one of those shows I could watch a million times and never get sick of it!
3. I had a hard time thinking about what my third choice should be… but after some serious thought I decided on How I Met Your Mother. My third choice would have to be a comedy to bring some amusement to my deserted island stay! This show is fun, light, loving and perfect for binge-ing! The character Ted reminds me a lot of one of my good friends so I think the show would be a good reminder of home!
Come back tomorrow for the third and final part of my mini series… Where is Your Happy Place! The theme this week is crafts/hobbies!
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