Baton Rouge Raceway

This weekend was perfect! There was nowhere we needed to be and tons of pool time which is exactly what I wanted and what I got! One of the unique things we did was go to the Baton Rouge Raceway

If you are a local or find yourself in this part of Louisiana, this is definitely something fun and unique to check out! The track is a quarter mile, banked, dirt raceway (as described by my boyfriend who had an easier time putting it into words than I could... lol). It cost 12$ per person to get in and there is a big stands area where you can sit and watch the races! 

I have only ever been to something like this once when I was super little in middle-of-no-where Massachusetts. All I can remember from that experience was that it was loud and there was fried dough! 

So basically this time was like my first time! And not going to lie… I had a blast! So here was the racing line up/classes: 

Late Model 
Limited Modified, 
BR Pure Stock/Street Stock, 
Outlaw Street Stock, 
Mini Stock

And I have zero clue what that means! From my (very) little knowledge I think it has something to do the with size and age of the car (don't quote me on that). But seriously… you can know little to nothing about car racing and still have a fun time watching and cheering on the cars! 


Sorry these pictures sort of suck… keep in mind they were driving pretty fast!! 

Tips from a first time viewer: 
  • Earplugs are essential! 
  • If you have younger kids, they sell those black and white checkered flags and the kids were having a blast waving them when the winner crosses the finish line! Definitely recommend!
  • Bring bug spray - and lots of it! This is in the middle of the woods in Louisiana at night with big stadium lighting that attracts all sorts of critters. Bug spray is a must!
  • The bathroom is eh… so go beforehand (I have def seen worse and they weren't as bad as a port-o-potty but the sink wasn't functional so antibacterial was a must) 
With those tips you are golden! It started at 8pm and ended right around 10pm. You are guarenteed to see a car hit the side which is always exciting! One of the cars actually caught on fire (the driver was fine) when we went! Crazy!! We are going to go back with a bunch of friends when it isn't as hot!


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