Friday Favorites (6.3.16)

Hello Friday, my old friend! For a short week… it felt like a long one! I am so super ready for some pool time and sleeping in this weekend! 

And like every Friday... I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week! 

Who needs flowers and wine? Take me to Home Goods! Seriously. That place is one of those dangerous stores I can't go in and not leave with something! Last week I went in… for no good reason (bad decision) and left with the cutest new soap dispensers! 

I got this one for the bathroom…. 

And I got a nice simple glass one for the kitchen! We had been using really gross plastic containers (that really should of been thrown out after each use) so it was so time for a upgrade! #HomeGoodsWin

On Tuesday I shared my bachelorette bracket for the season… 

So far so good! My only upset so far is Will (I was routing for him since my heart has a special place for civil engineers)! I think for now I am still #TeamJordan 

NEXT week on Monday and Tuesday I am going to share all about my Memorial Day Weekend trip to Hot Springs Arkansas. Things to look forward to…. duck dynasty adventures, a gorgeous national park, a fantastic kayaking trip, digging for diamonds, the most beautiful chapel I have ever seen and unexpected public nudity. Yes. You read that correct. Man do I have some experiences to share!!! Here are some sneak peak pictures!! 


This week my boyfriend taught me how to play the card game Pitch! He wants to start a weekly Pitch night so I am trying to figure it all out so I don't lose every hand! Wish me luck! 

All week (and I mean all week) I re-watched the movie Juno. I watched like 20 minutes every night and finally finished last night! I forgot how great this movie is! It also reminded me how much I love Jennifer Garner and Ellen Page! Those ladies are fantastic! 


I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Get some sun and spend some time with loved ones! 

And to catch up on some of my past Friday Favorites… check out below! 


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