Where is Your Happy Place?... Week 3!

Two weeks ago I started a post mini series - 

Where is Your Happy Place? 

And each week has been themed! 

To read my past posts see here… 

And this weeks theme is…

Activity or Hobby!

For this one I have two completely different answers! 

1) By no means am I a photographer… but for me the activity/hobby that takes me to my happy place has to be when I am taking pictures! I usually prefer to be the one behind the camera and documenting life! I always try to take tons of pictures for everything we do because I love being able to look back to see all of the fun times we have had! And with the new iPhones, which have such a great photo quality, taking a million good pictures has become so much easier! 

2) The other hobby/activity that takes me to my happy place has to be swimming. My mother is an avid swimmer and has had my sister and I in the water since the moment we were born! I like to swim for exercise but LOVE it even more for just good ole fun! 

Pool. Lake. Ocean. Take me anywhere there is water! 

What do you like to do that puts you in Your Happy Place!? Comment below!!! And thanks for stopping by for the past three weeks for this mini post series! 


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