Friday Favorites (3.2.18)


On Monday my coworker gave me this... 

Dogs are known for love and loyalty which makes this year a good year for marriage. One can expect happiness and good fortune to come from a union in the year of the dog.

Cheers to happiness and good fortune!
2 Months to go!


Black Panther. I LOVED this movie!!  Go see this movie! And make sure you say for the VERY END of the credits!! (They do a tease scene at the beginning of the credits but you have to stay till the way end to see the second credit scene)!

My sister and I are thinking we are going to have a sleepover movie marathon and watch all of the Marvel movies now!!


My friend from work was in Hawaii last week and she brought my back the cutest little souvenirs! I am especially obsessed with this Pineapple coaster! All things tropical and Hawaii have been getting me excited about our honeymoon to Maui and Kauai!


I am sort of obsessed with this little Etsy page that does wedding personalization gifts.

1) Their name is Willow Creek Company and for any of you who have been around here for a while then you know my bunny's name is Willow!
 2) The fonts they use are adorable
3) Prices are totally fair

I have to stop myself from buying this pillow (and other cute things)! My bridal shower is in a couple weeks so I want to wait and see if I get anything personalized before hand... and if not... you can sure bet this pillow will be in my shopping cart!  


My last favorite for the week is that Ryan is finally home for the weekend!! He has been gone 2 weekends in a row now and - even though I had plans both weekends - I missed him! Excited to hang with him this weekend

My wedding dress alteration appointment is tomorrow! I'm kind of nervous to see it all together with the veil, jewelry, shoes, etc. Wish me luck!!



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