Appointments, Hockey & Bunny - First Weekend of March

This weekend I totally failed at taking pictures... so here is a picture of Willow chillin...

Saturday I had my wedding dress alteration appointment! 
Here are a few things they do not warn you about for dress alterations: 

1) They are EXPENSIVE. I was not expecting them to be so expensive so I was fully unprepared for the receipt. Struggle.
2) The seamstress totally saw my butt... and boobs. Wasn't ready for that either but oh well...  

Following my semi-surprising alteration appointment, I had an eye appointment (also a complete struggle). I have been going to the same eye doctor for years and even when I lived in Louisiana I would schedule my eye appointments for when I was visiting family in Massachusetts. Since I moved back to MA, I no longer have eye insurance that they take, so my plan was to hold out until after the wedding when I was on Ryan's insurance and then make my appointment. But then life happened and I found myself with not enough contacts to make it through the wedding/honeymoon. And I REALLY need my glasses/contacts... I am super blind without them. Soooo had go... without insurance. Urg.

The night got better! Went to a hockey game with Ryan's family and it was pretty awesome! Our team won in double overtime! After watching hockey game for 5 minutes I told Ryan that we would not be signing our kids up for it... right as a guy with a black eye slammed his face into the glass in front of us and looked like he destroyed his chin... ouch. It was fun to watch but I am pretty sure I would be a nervous wreck watching my kids play.

Sunday morning Ryan and I worked on our wedding ceremony. We picked our readings and prayers for our Catholic mass. In the afternoon our friends from Connecticut came into town for lunch and it was great catching up with them! Crazy that the next time we see them I will be when I am walking down the aisle! 

We wrapped up our weekend working on the honeymoon and snuggling Willow on the couch!


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