Weekend (plus a little of last week) Recap

I guess my weekend started technically on Thursday afternoon. I had been pretty sick since last Sunday and my boss finally talked me into leaving early to go see a doctor. At this point I have to point out that my voice was 100% gone. I could whisper to communicate but the second I tried to project my voice at all it was in-audible.  This was the strangest cold I've had in a while - it started as a sore throat and fevers, turned into aches and pains, then ended with my voice being gone and had some serious head congestion. Doctors orders: I had bad laryngitis, needed a shot of steroids to my bum and have been on antibiotics since.

Sickness besides: somewhere between leaving the doctors on Thursday and heading to Walgreen's immediately after I lost my license... URG. I know I had it to hand to the lady at check-in at the doctors but I'm not 100% convinced I ever got it back... or I did get it back and it fell out of my wallet? Either way... they couldn't find it and it wasn't at Walgreen's, my purse or any other place I could think of looking.... Double URG.

So Friday morning I got my sick-self up out of bed, sat at the DMV for a couple hours and got a new one. The second I got back home I slept the rest of the day and it was a complete bust.

Saturday I woke up and completed a new 1000 piece puzzle before Ryan was even out of bed. 

We then completed our taxes. Side note: we used TurboTax for the first time this year and I am mind blown how easy it was! I have always gone to H&R block for the ease of having someone do them for you but it was amazing how simple this was! I'm not sure I'll go back to paying someone! 

After lunch... naps ensued - I was determined to sleep away my sickness! That evening I started a Lord of the Rings marathon with my bum firmly planted on the couch.  #Amen

Sunday started with church and the hunt for the perfect Tux for Ryan! Have I mentioned we are going to a Ball?? More on that to come!

For the super bowl we were invited to a party but since I still wasn't feeling great we decided to have a Super Bowl party of 2 complete with crock-pot chicken drumsticks, mozzarella sticks and potato skins!


Had to take a picture - but still feeling BLAH

Highlights of the Superbowl:
Luke Bryant National Anthem - he nailed it!

"...And Sisterhood..." - Loved this!
The Bush's doing the coin toss - so glad they are out of the hospital - too cute!

All of the Lady Gaga halftime show!! SO GOOD

Favorite Commercials
Avacados from Mexico (secret society addition)
Skittles (where everyone is catching them in their mouth through the window)
Bai Bai (Christopher Walken saying the lyrics to NSYNC Bye Bye Bye) 
Sexy Mr Clean
Super Bowl Babies (for NFL?) 

I did fall asleep from 3rd-4th quarter and Ryan had to wake me up for the epic overtime play so maybe there were some other great commercials I missed in there?

Happy Monday!


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