My Loves

Today is dedicated to my loves! 
Happy Valentines day! 

First up: my fiancee Ryan!

Ryan and I met 6 and a half years ago in college when I was a Junior and Ryan was a Sophomore. We were both orientation leaders at WPI and got assigned to work on the same freshman floor - which means we had to spend a lot of time together! We spent all summer preparing for our freshmen and ate lunch together everyday! Ryan officially asked me out on September 12th, 2010 and I suppose the rest is history! 
2010 - Lambda Chi Formal

Ryan moved to Louisiana for work August of 2013 and when I finished my masters degree I moved down in January 2014! We have been living there ever since! 

Just a couple of Louisiana Transports hanging out in New Orleans!

On December 23rd, 2016 Ryan proposed where it all began at WPI! You can read our entire proposal story here!

I love this man and cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him! We are getting married in Massachusetts in May of 2018!

Next up is the other man in my life: my fluffy bunny Willow!

Willow was born sometime in early May of 2012 so we decided to proclaim his birthday May 2nd! He is turning 5 this summer and still acts like a silly baby bun sometimes! 

He loves to run really fast on the carpet, eat bananas, and give sooo many kisses! When he was a little baby bun we loved on him a lot and I think that is why he is so affectionate! He could sit and give you kisses for hours as long as you give him some pets in return! He dislikes the vacuum, car rides and thunder storms.

Ladies he is single! And he cant get you pregnant (we removed those male parts a long while ago)! So if you are looking for a date he is available! 

I have always been the kind of person who loves Valentines Day (even during the years when I was single). There are many different kinds of loves and ways to love one another and it is nice to have a day dedicated to that! So whether you are single, with someone or could care less about Valentines Day - today is the day to go love on someone! Smile at a stranger, do something nice for a coworker, call an elderly family member - give some lovin! 

And today I am linking up with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday! 


  1. I totally agree with you on Valentine's Day (no matter your relationship status) - it's just a fun day to celebrate love! You and Ryan are so cute! I need to go read your proposal story! Happy Valentine's Day!


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