Valentines Day Dinners

Ryan and I had a pretty low-key Valentines Day this year! We needed a night where we had no plans and could just relax and just enjoy each others company! 

Ryan came home from work and brought me these beautiful flowers! I love how tropical they are! I also really love that he switched it up from traditional roses!


I found this bag of super cute heart shaped pasta to HomeGoods and decided to make that for our Valentine's dinner! It was wheat pasta made with tomatoes and beets to give it the pink color! I was really surprised how well they maintained their shape after boiling.

I mean... how cute are these!?

 The rest of dinner was just meatballs and salad (remember when I mentioned having a low-key valentines day!?)

For dessert I tried out a new recipe for raspberry nutella pies tarts. More on this to come when I do my February recipe review!


 On Wednesday we decided to go out to eat in Baton Rouge to our favorite restaurant Ninos.

We always get the gnocchi appetizer and I always get the baked ziti. This restaurant is consistently SO good! I wish we discovered this place sooner!

So that was our Valentines Day(s)! <3



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