My Best Friends When I Am Sick

On Sunday I woke up and felt like I got hit with a truck. Wicked sore throat, fevers and major aches. I was completely useless. I spent the entire day in bed and Monday was no better! Considering it is Thursday - I really am not much better.... **sigh**

Since I am still recovering I thought I would share my best friends for when I am sick! 

1. First up: Netflix. I have watched so many old episodes of Grey's Anatomy this past week!! 

2. This time around: Mucinex. This is a wonder drug. Completely clears your head! Makes it so it doesn't feel like a million pounds.

3. But for when my head DID feel like a million pounds: My frozen gel eye mask is my BFF. I have one similar to this one pictured that I picked up at a CVS for 2$. I keep it in the freezer for when I have headaches and need a good cool-down.

4. On the complete opposite spectrum: Hot Chocolate! I am not a tea or coffee drinker... never have been. Hot chocolate does the trick for me and does wonders on an irritated sore throat! 

5. When you guys sick do you ever feel oily/greasy? I find that sometimes just giving my face a good scrub makes me feel so much better! My favorite is Neutrogena Deep Clean. It has cooling beads and I always wash my face with it when I am not feeling good!

So those are my best friends for when I am sick!

I also really love cuddles with this guy... 

He gives the best kisses and knows when I need some loving! 


  1. Such a cute bunny! Hope you're feeling better now. I used to subscribe to Netflix but gave it up for Hulu.


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