Cooking My Way Through Eats ~ February

This year I am cooking my way through Mix and Match Mama's new cookbook: Eats!
To read my past monthly reviews: January!

For February... 

Entree: Spinach Pesto Baked Tacos

We were so excited for this one!! 
I would never think to add pesto in a taco recipe but I loved the idea of it!! 

First up we browned up the ground meat and drained the excess grease.

Added the pesto and taco seasoning...

And finally added two big handfuls of spinach and half a jar of salsa!

At this point we let it simmer for ten minutes to cook down the spinach. We then scooped ten free standing taco shells. When we saw how much meat "stuffing" we had made we decided to do all the tacos in the box to get two dinners out of it!


We added cheese and then baked them in the oven for ten minutes!

Ryan added some extra tomatoes and onions to his!

All done! This was a relatively quick dinner to put together. From start to finish it only took about 30 minutes which really isn't bad at all for dinner prep! We also LOVED the tacos! This recipe will definitely be on our make-again list!

Breakfast: Raspberry Lemon Rolls

First up, I mashed up a package of raspberries and squeezed in some lemon:

I then laid out crescent roll dough and pinched the crevasses shut. I then spread the raspberries all over dough:

I rolled it up and cut it up into little spirals. Yes. It looked like a mass murderer came through the kitchen.... lol


After cooking for 10 minutes, they looked much more appetizing and edible!

Review: These are super sweet! Like seriously sweet! The raspberry lemon combo makes you purse your lips together but they are yummy! I think next time I would use a little less fruit stuffing to dough ratio but they are definitely a yummy breakfast! 

Dessert: Raspberry Nutella Pies

Instead of Strawberry like the book title reads we decided to do Raspberry because to us it is a far superior fruit... and we just really like it lot lol! 

This was my first time using parchment paper and I'm not sure I will ever bake again without it! Game changer!! I love how you don't need to mess with cooking spray or clean-up! To start I laid out one full pie crust. 


Then I covered one side with Raspberry and the other piece in Nutella. 

I then pinched the edges together and sprinkled the top with sugar! We cut the pie/tart like pizza slices and served it warm!

Review: These were really good fresh out of the oven but as leftovers... eh. We ended up throwing most of it out because even re-heating them they just were not as good as night 1. Will I make them again? Maybe... but maybe not.

February was a pretty good month! I have tried so many new things cooking the year through Eats and having a blast with it!


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