Shopping for a 9 Year Old

My goddaughter is in that perfect tween age where she is still little and likes to play with toys but is old enough to want to be considered a "big kid." Over Christmas she told me "I am too old to be your flower girl but I am just old enough to be a junior bridesmaid"... note taken Julia! 

Her birthday is in a couple weeks and I had so much fun with Ryan picking out presents in Target last night! 

Here is her stash: 

 (I spy Willow creeping on his shelf) 

We shopped with the mindset ... "what would we want if we were a 9 year old girl"!

First up: Plasma Ball
I had one of these growing up and I used it as a nightlight. I thought it was the coolest! Excited for her to have one too!

Pin Art
These things are the best! Metal ones are obviously where it is at but I wasn't sure her mom would appreciate us sending a metal one! heehee


Kinetic Sand 
 This was actually Ryan's pick. His argument was that kinetic sand is cool at any age so why not add it to the mix!

Emoji Putty
So this was a 3$ find that I had to add because homegirl is obsessed with Emoji's right now! She got an iPod for Christmas and can send text messages and 99% of the time I'm interpreting her emoji code! lol!

She is growing up so fast!

I miss these days....

And this was this past Christmas...


Happy (early) Birthday Julia!!



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