Celebrity China & Cookware

On Saturday - I went to the Baton Rogue Bridal Show (read about that here) and on Sunday I found out I won the Celebrity China & Cookware raffle! So here is the thing - I signed up for every raffle I could (because why not!?) and couldn't remember this one! And I NEVER win ANYTHING so I was soooo excited. One of my friends was like - make sure it isn't a scam so that is when the research started. 

Here is what I learned:

- There are very mixed reviews on whether or not this is a scam or not
- I am not the only one who won... apparently everyone who signed up for a the raffle won (whomp whomp) 
- Celebrity China & Cookware does not sell anything on-line ... which seemed strange

Here is what they told me I won: 

- 2 Crystal Champagne Flutes 
- a 3 day, 2 night vacation any place in the US

Here is the catch:
You don't get sent the prizes. You have to attend a 90min cookware show and then you get the prizes. 

So I read all the reviews online and this is what I discovered. The people who felt scammed didn't read the fine print and felt pressured to buy the cookware at the end of the show. Having discussed this with Ryan - we decided to go - because I can totally sit through 90 minutes for free stuff. 

The event was being held at the Marriott and in Ryan's words, "nothing is more legit than a Marriott." We get there and we are seated in front of a couple tables displayed with China and pots/pans. There were 4 other couples there and they didn't seem nearly as skeptical as Ryan and I were. 

A super charismatic guy put on the presentation. He was a fantastic salesman and I felt bad for him since I am sure he gets paid on commission. He cooked us chicken and some side veggies which did turn out yummy and honestly the pots and pans did look nice.... but here is the deal... they were EXPENSIVE. Like $2000 expensive. We also JUST invested in new stainless steel pots and pans so were not in the market for them at all. 

   At the end of the 90mins, as promised, we got our "prizes." I have no way in knowing if the glasses are crystal but considering they are being given out to everyone... I doubt it. The vacation is also not to anywhere in the US more like to 20-30 different cities.... but it is still a free weekend vacation! So overall we are satisfied.

I wanted to post about this for any other brides out there that are doing research on this. You can get the prizes without buying anything! 

Happy Thursday! 


  1. Thank You for sharing.

    On the trip, was travel included or just the hotel?


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