Friday Favorites (2.24.17)

I feel like I never say this but - this week went by so quick!

(My sister loves Minions - this is for you Kim!)


This week wrapped up Ryan's birthday celebrations!

Cheers to another year older and wiser!

Last week I met up with one of my sorority sisters after work since she was visiting New Orleans for Mardi Gras! As we were walking to go get ice cream we passed this guy just chilling on someones porch... 
 Mardi Gras is not like anything else in the entire world! If you have never gone to one - make sure you put it on your bucket list! It is strange, wonderful, funny, entertaining and exciting all wrapped up in one crazy month! It can also be family friendly if done right! I'm excited for all of the celebrating we have planned this weekend!

Ok so totally random but a favorite for the week either way! I was watching an old episode of This Is Us (I'm playing catch-up) and saw that in one of the scenes they were using mugs that I have!! How random/awesome is that?!!

I love this set! You can read my review on it here!


I am not sure I have mentioned this yet but my Grammy is going to my flower girl at my wedding! She was trying on dresses for the wedding and sent me this selfie!
(1) I love that she can take selfies
(2) I love that she is rocking her sneakers 
Too cute!!!

 My last favorite for the week is a BIG shout out to my dad in Massachusetts. He has been helping so much with errands and things we have needed done in MA and has been a huge help!
This man would do anything for his daughters!

This weekend will be a blast!
I am so exited for all the Mardi Gras festivities! I am also taking off Monday-Wednesday to celebrate so may not post everyday next week... mini vacation!


  1. Happy birthday to Ryan! I am adding Mardi Gras to my bucket list! Hope you're having a great weekend!


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