The Groundhog and The Vacuum

Happy Groundhogs Day! That magical day where a fuzzy, chubby groundhog predicts the weather! And today it looks like he did not see his shadow! Woohoo! Spring is a comin’! Thank you Punxsutawney Phil!

Nothing beats a fluffy groundhog and an old man in a top hat! 

The suspense is in the air! 

Doesn't this kind of remind you of the Lion King?

Also how cute are the Groundhog city elders?!… Top hats and old fashion suits! So cute!

Ok moving on … 

Guys! You know your an adult when… you get a vacuum and IT IS SO EXCITING. Omg. I came home from work today and the big box was waiting for me and it basically felt like Christmas. So let me rewind a bit. The two years my boyfriend and I have lived in Louisiana we have used this small handheld vacuum that has a extended arm so you can clean while standing. I'm not convinced this thing  ever actually worked…. but at least we pretended we were cleaning! 

But we did it! We finally bought a big kid vacuum. I feel like such an adult! #TheLittleThings. I also just spent my entire evening vacuuming the crap out of our apartment. It works sooo good! Yay! 

And now that you think I'm nuts… here are my proud vacuum pictures! 

In case anyone is curious… we got a Bissell …CleanView® Lightweight Upright Vacuum with OnePass Technology® | 9595 and I officially love it. Love, Clean and Happy WC! 


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