Jean Lafitte National Park

This past weekend I went to the Jean Lafitte National Park to enjoy the unseasonably beautiful February weather (it was 77 degrees)!! This was my third time going there to hike… though I probably should not count the first time… my boyfriend and I went there in the spring last year and we were only 10 mins on the trail when it started to downpour!! Like massive, waterfall-sized rain drops and we had to run quickly back to the car! We were soaked the whole 45 min ride home! #fail.

I went there the second time (no rain this time) with my mother this past October and we did some serious trail walking! On the below trail map we did the Palmetto, Bayou Coquille & the Marsh Overlook trails!

Here are some pictures from that walk…

(Isn't it so beautiful?!)

This past time, it was not as lush since winter has taken over, but it was just as lovely of a walk! This weekend it was just my boyfriend and myself and we decided to do the Bayou Coquille and Marsh Overlook trails. Man what a success! We saw sooo much wildlife! Considering it is February we were not expecting to see anything but since it was so warm all the critters were out and about enjoying the sun with us! We saw 3 alligators, 2 of them being pretty large (5-6 ft) and the other was a little guy (2-3 ft). The alligators were spotted on the Marsh Overlook trail! On our way back to the parking lot we saw two full grown deer (both female) on the Bayou Coquille Trail. One was not having anything to do with us and the other seemed completely unfazed that we were watching her enjoy her grazing! Last but not least we accidentally stumbled upon the coolest little green tree frog! This was by far the coolest part! You don't get to see those very often!

If you have never been and live near the area or even if you go all the time… go check it out! The visitors center is really nice and thought out and the trails are kept very clean and well-protected. Happy trailing! <3 WC


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