Dragon Fruit

Long story short… I had a super eventful weekend that didn't end until 1am last night… and with a 5am wake up this morning… I am basically dead to the world. That being said, this post will be super short and I will cover all of the other fun activities from the weekend over the course of this week!

One thing I discovered this weekend was this:


Also commonly (or uncommonly) known as the Dragon Fruit or the Pitaya Fruit. 

I saw it at Rouses supermarket and was feeling daring so bought it on a whim to try. 

It gets better!! 

When you cut it in half, this is what it looks like… 

LIKE WHAT?!?! Totally was NOT expecting that! I think it is so beautiful!! I have never seen a fruit like this before!!! So what does it taste like?? The answer: Kiwi. A less sweet version of Kiwi. 

Dragon Fruit Fun Facts: 
  • Dragon fruits have a surprising number of phytonutrients (disease preventing nutrients)
  • They are rich in antioxidants, they contain vitamin C (equivalent to 10 percent of the daily value), polyunsaturated (good) fatty acids, and several B vitamins for carbohydrate metabolism, as well as carotene and protein
  • They are the fruit of a cactus
  • Bonus: Apparently if you have colored hair - the juice helps you keep the hair follicles open, allowing your hair to breathe and remain healthy and smooth (How cool is that?!)
That's all I got for today! Super excited about my Dragon Fruit discovery! I may totally be tempted to try another strange/different/exciting/exotic new fruit next week! <3WC 

PS - Happy Leap Day and Happy Birthday to all those leap year babies that only get to celebrate their birthdays once every 4 years!


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