Friday Favorites (2.19.16)

Happy Friday! On Fridays I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals to share some weekly Friday Favorites! To see last weeks  post… 

Yesterday I talked about the book I read this week called ROOM by Emma Donoghue (Read that post… here). Well I officially watched the movie too! And you know what… I may have liked it even more! I never usually like the movie more than the book but something about this movie totally sold me! I think it was a mix of flawless casting and beautiful cinematography. Brie Larson (Ma) and Jacob Tremblay (Jack) were cast as the leads and they totally portrayed the characters perfectly! 

Another thing to note was that the movie made some edits to the plot… but for the first time (like ever) I think the edits almost improved the story line! Some detail may have been lost but for the most part the major things they changed/took out, I believe to be completely justified!

Seriously. Go read this book or watch this movie. I truly believe it will be a great addition to anyones bookshelf/movie collection!

It may have been my boyfriends birthday this week but somehow I still managed to buy myself some presents… heehee! One of my favorite bloggers, Shay Shull (Mix & Match Family Blog) released two cookbooks last week and my Amazon order finally came in the mail!!! 


Annnd I sooo love them! The Meal Planner book has 2 weekly shopping lists (for each season) and makes tons of awesome and yummy meals! The Cakes book (also divided by season) has sooo many awesome cake ideas that I can't wait to try… The Oreo and Cadbury Cream Egg Cakes are just two examples! Cant wait to use both of my new cook books!!! 

You can buy the Meal Planner book here
You can buy the Cakes book here

My recent Pinterest obsession involves fantasizing about large, beautiful kitchen spaces. I think my tiny apartment kitchen is starting to get to me… #DreamingOfLotsOfCounterSpace … 

Here are some of my recent kitchen pins! 


I have two friends that recently got German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) puppies so I have been seeing lots of cute puppy pictures lately featuring this breed. To my excitement this is the same breed that won the "Best is Show" award at the Westminster Dog Show this past week! The winning pooch, CJ, looks super happy to be a price winning champion!… Also I feel like my friend's dogs are clearly first class now!! 


And last but not least - a favorite of this week - my sweet valentine! <3 Even though we were both super sick this weekend he still managed to sneak out to buy me some flowers! Though he will infamously claim he does not have a romantic bone in his body… he has his moments!! 


Hope you all had a great week and have a great weekend ahead of you!!! <3 WC


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