Friday Favorites (2.12.16)

Happy Friday! On Fridays I am linking up with Grace and Love, A Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals to share some weekly Friday Favorites! I love "linking up" - such a fun way to connect with other bloggers out there! And since this is Favorites, Some Fun & A Fluffy Bun… a Friday Favorites post is completely perfect! 

Earlier this week I was wandering around Target and found two things that I am completely in love with! First off - I have been looking for a mini book light for a while now and couldn't find one that justified the price… and then I stumbled on this little guy! It's called a "French Bull - Condensed Ziggy - Clip Light" and it was exactly what I was looking for! It has a little LED light that packs a major punch! It's super light weight so that it can be used on both paper backs and hard cover books! Not to mention it is adorable! So happy with it so far! You can check it out… here!

The second thing I stocked up on were these super cute Dabney Lee Magnetic Bookmarks! They are no longer being sold online but if you check out your local Target book isle you might get lucky like I did! These are perfect little gifts I can put in any present! Also side note… how am I just discovering Dabney Lee?! This website has sooo many cute things on it!! Check it out … here! I may or may not be coming back to this website later with my wallet handy! heehee 

For Christmas I was gifted a gel eye mask (meant for spa-ing or sleep) and I have re-purposed it. I unfortunately get a lot of headaches and usually deal with a frozen bag of pees on my head… but I have officially upgraded! I have found that any normal gel mask, when put in the freezer, doesn't solidify but just becomes a super cool gel… aka perfect for wearing when you get a headache! Seriously - try it out!! It works wonders!!! You can buy a gel mask for only a couple dollars at any drug store! This Soothing Gel Eye Mask shown below that can be purchased for ~$3.00 at CVS or online… here! Definitely one of my favorite things when a headache is driving me insane!  

There is only one piece of jewelry I wear always and that is my gold Claddagh Ring. It was a gift from my dad when I graduated college and I wear it on my right ring finger. My dad, sister and I all wear a Claddagh ring and it is super special to me that we all have this in common. 

For those who don't know the story of the Claddagh Ring… 

"The Claddagh's distinctive design features two hands clasping a heart, and usually surmounted by a crown. The elements of this symbol are often said to correspond to the qualities of love (the heart), friendship (the hands), and loyalty (the crown).

The way that a Claddagh ring is worn on the hand is usually intended to convey the wearer's romantic availability, or lack thereof. 

Traditionally, if the ring is on the right hand with the heart facing outward and away from the body, this indicates that the person wearing the ring is not in any serious relationship, and may in fact be single and looking for a relationship: their heart is open.

When worn on the right hand but with the heart facing inward toward the body, this indicates the person wearing the ring is in a relationship, or that someone has captured their heart." 

For the record… someone has captured my heart and that is how I wear my ring <3

This wouldn't be a favorites list if I didn't mention Netflix. Right now the current binge show has been How I Met Your Mother. On a work night, my boyfriend and I usually eat dinner, watch an episode or two and then snuggle up and read for an hour before going to bed. We have been working through the series and are so in love with it. All the characters are hilarious and so easy to get invested in! I watched the last season a couple years ago but I love the show sooo much more having been able to watch it from the beginning! Thanks Netflix!! 

And since it is Valentines Day weekend I thought I would share my plans… which really are nothing exciting this year! The only thing on the agenda is to go see the new Zoolander movie! Sooo romantic… haha #not. 

I usually try and do something cute for my boyfriend each year, but this year came up dry and decided to combine his valentines day present with his birthday present (birthday 2/17) … which he picked out himself… #fail. This is still on my favorites list for the week because I love that we can have a goofy, relaxing Valentines Day and there is no pressure to try and do anything fancy!! 

Hope everyone has a weekend full of love (no matter what kinda of love)!!! 

Happy Valentines Day! XOXO WC 


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