A Feather Boa, a Field of Hot Dogs and the Fire Monkey

Ok let’s talk. This was one crazy weekend... especially here in New Orleans! There was the good, the funny, the exciting and the boring. Let’s start with Saturday…

On Saturday I went to a fantastic tailgate on Canal Street in anticipation of the Krewe of Endymion parade. My boyfriend and I were invited by a former coworker of mine to join her and her family at the tailgate which is located halfway along the parade route. I did the same thing last year, but this was my boyfriend’s first time joining the group. I kept telling him… this is “high-class” Mardi Gras parade viewing … and by this I mean… the tailgate is in a large, security-guarded, fenced off parking lot, with clean private port-o-pottys (this in itself is essential for an all-day Endymion parade tailgating), tons of food and good company! When the parade finally came around, we just stepped outside the fence and had front row parade viewing! #Luxury

Do to our prime location… we caught tons of “throws.” Some of the highlights include… a hot pink feather bowa, a foam football, a little Endymion stress ball and a light up Endymion medallion (that I might turn into a Christmas ornament). We also had tonnnnnnnns of beads which we promptly put in the trash. We have learned from experience… they sit in a box for a month and then you end up throwing them all away anyway… so no need to prolong the inevitable! I think I am officially parade- pooped for the year! Even though I have tomorrow off of work to enjoy the holiday, I think I am just going to have a lazy day at home! Endymion wipes you out!

Here are some of the pics! 

Oh and did I mention Jerry Springer was there?! #JerryJerryJerry


Ok moving on to Sunday! Which means, yes I am going to talk about the Super bowl. I could care less about the game itself, I am in it for the entertainment and commercials. For entertainment – I thought they kicked ass. For commercials – I was extremely disappointed.

The super bowl “kicked off” (heehee get it!?) with a phenomenal and extremely sparkly Lady Gaga performance. 

Yes, we are all in awe of her intense red glittery eye shadow but can we take a minute and talk about her shoes?! Did you catch them!? Best part of her outfit! Sparkles aside, she really nailed the song. Hit all the right notes and is slowly making America notice her voice over her crazy outfit antics. I noticed Gaga!

Next up: the halftime show! I have seen so much Coldplay hate post-super bowl, but I thought they really did a good job! I liked the message they were promoting (Believe in Love) and besides the poor sound-system they had a really entertaining performance. 

Then here come the “cool kids”… Bruno Mars comes out all like… “Dude I did this two years ago, step aside”… only to be trumped moments later by Beyonce… all hail the queen. 

Beyonce took full advantage of the spotlight to 1. Promote her new song “Formation” (which is fantastic) and 2. Announce to the world that yes, she will be going on tour. Bravo. All in all, I give it 4 out of 5 stars (the sound system really did suck).

Moving on… let’s take a second to talk about how blah the commercials were. I expect more from you Super bowl commercial advertisers!!! #Disappointed   

Winners for me include:
HEINZ - Weiner dogs in hot dog suits running through a field toward their condiment owners. So cute! Watch it HERE

Doritos – The in-utero baby going after the chip on the ultrasound… everyone in America laughed and cringed all at the same time when the lady gave birth. Watch it HERE

Avocados from Mexico – Aliens giving a museum tour of "Earth" when they display the Cube of Rubix and the Blue and Black (or is it White and Gold) dress claiming that it started a civil war. That line alone got it in the ranking for me! Watch it HERE

Hyundai – Because I want to live in Ryansville with Ryan Reynolds!! (Who doesn't?!) Watch it HERE

Honda – Because who doesn't love singing sheep?! Watch it HERE

Big time losers include (not worthy of links or pictures):

Mountain Dew – Creepiest puppy monkey baby thing of all time. WORST. Don't look it up- it will haunt your dreams.

Budweiser – I held out hope for you. You failed me. There were no dramatic Clydesdales stories or cute puppy adventures. Biggest upset of the night.


So that’s that… which brings me to today! Happy Chinese New Year! This year is the year of the Fire Monkey! How awesome does that sound! All babies born this year will be ambitious and adventurous but will also be irritable. My boyfriend’s cousin’s baby is due any day now… I expect great things from this little guy! 

Fire Monkey lucky things include:
Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
Lucky days: the 14th and 28th of any Chinese lunar calendar month
Lucky colors: white, blue, gold
Lucky flowers: chrysanthemum, crape-myrtle
Lucky directions: north, northwest, west
Lucky months: Chinese lunar months 8 and 12

Annnnd that basically sums up my weekend and today! Phew! Fun fact: my Chinese New Year zodiac is the Golden Horse. Love it! You can look up your birth year Chinese New Year animal HERE.


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