
Guys I think I am basically a Grandma. My friend send me this link today from buzzfeed and it couldn't more accurately describe me! The post is titled:

Yup. That's me in a nutshell. Here are the 18 "Moments" they list…

1. Getting into your favorite pajamas and putting on your slipper at the end of a long day
OMG yes. The second I am home from work, dress clothes come off and I am in cotton pajama pants and my big fuzzy slippers. Current status…. 

PS- How cute are these pajama pants!? I got these from my mom for Christmas! Bunnies in winter hats!! Too cute! I tried to find them online to share a link with you guys and couldn't … but I did stumble on this site… here. So many bunny pajamas!!

2. Asking your friend what they want to do and hearing them say those three perfect words: Let's stay in
Yup I get this. I would much rather hang at someones apartment/house then go out to a club/bar. It's fun here and there, but I couldn't do it all the time! 

3. Going clothes shopping and finding a lovely piece of knitwear 
I love that this is on the list. I have tonsss of cardigans and sweaters. Didn't even realize that was grandma-y until now! #EmbraceTheCardigan 

4. Feeling smug because the weather is terrible but you wore your warmest coat
Not really sure what this one is going for… but like a grandma, I am always cold and warmly dressed so yes I usually have a nice warm coat on! My current coat of choice (which I am obsessed with) is my 32 Degrees Hooded Down Puffer Jacket!  It comes in so many cute colors and I love that the hood is detachable! I got it in black because I can wear basically every scarf I own with it! You can check it out… here

5. Finding a new reality TV show to get emotionally invested in 
Once again… so true! I don't really watch that much reality TV but currently I'm into the Bachelor (Ben is the best bachelor to date) and next week Survivor (yes I still watch that show) is back on so I will be following those!! 

6. And dedicating an entire morning to watching your recorded TV shows that come on too late at night for your liking
Ahhh also sooo true!! Hahah! I go to bed early **cough cough 9pm cough cough** so basically anything on after 9:00pm is a no-go. I am always that person at the office who is like "ahh don't say anything, I haven't seen it yet"… sigh. 

7. Going shopping for home decor 
Yup I embrace this proudly. Pier 1 Imports … get on my level! Do I need a new bed set… no. Do I want to look at them all… yes! The adorable duvet and sham can be seen… here

8. And buying a new kitchen appliance that your convinced will change your life
Last year it was the juicer… for the record we used it a TON the first month of owning it… it probably hasn't been used since… 

9. Getting to spend a Friday night with a good book and a cup of tea 
By the end of the work week my boyfriend and I are pooped. Fridays are usually our hang-in nights so we can rest up and do fun stuff all weekend! I am currently reading two books: I have been re-reading the Harry Potter series (currently on book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) and just started the book Room by Emma Donoghue (more of this to come).  

10. And lighting one of your favorite scented candles 
Hahah! YES! I have two new-ish candles I have been using daily: Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie and Kringle Candle Vanilla Cone. They both make the apartment smell like some amazing baking has been going down! Loveee it! 

11. Having a long bath and using some of your nicest bath products 
This one I can't comment on. Not a bath taker. Maybe someday when I have my own house and my tub isn't an apartment tub, I'll be able to trust it enough for tub use… but for now… I'm a shower only girl. 

12. Going out to dinner with your friends instead of a noisy club
See number 2 =) 

13. And maybe finding a nice quiet place to have a few drinks
Eh, even this I would rather do at someones comfortable abode! 

14. Baking something and having it turn out perfectly 
Nothing wrong with having some pride over a successfully attempted recipe!! Makes me wish I didn't give up desserts for lent so I could make the Banana Bread I have been craving. My Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe can be found…here

15. Finding a new hobby to take up 
Not sure I have posted about this yet.. but I am an avid crocheter! I have been working on this queen sized blanket for a year now (taking me so long because I get side tracked by other projects)! I don't have a good picture of it but here is one of Willow hanging out on it so you can get the idea of the pattern… 

16. Getting up early on the weekend and getting all your chores and errands out of the way
Check. My goal is to get most of the major errands done by noon on Saturday so that they do not linger the rest of the weekend! 

17. Finding some time to take a nap
This is another one I can not agree too. I haven't been able to find time to nap since I moved to Louisiana! By the time I leave work during the week a nap is out of the question and on the weekends we always seem to be running around! I guess in order to work on my grandma status I need to find more time to take a nap! 

18. And getting into bed by 10pm 
Ha! 9pm is more like it!

Yeaaaa so basically I am a Grandma. I probably said "Check" to 90% of the things on this list! One thing I did notice that was missing is puzzles! My grandma used to always be working on a puzzle and I associate puzzles with her… so my puzzle love should give me a bonus point on the grandma scale!? lol. #GrandmaStatus #EmbracedIt <3 WC


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