Hawaiian Honeymoon - Kauai Part 1

Happy Monday!
Last week I shared the first half of the honeymoon in Hawaii! Our honeymoon was two weeks long - one week on the island of Maui and one week on the island of Kauai! This week is all about Kauai! And if you missed any of the Maui posts you can check them out here...

Unlike Maui where we stayed in AirBnBs, in Kauai we decided to stay in a Marriott. To be completely honest the Marriott was the lowest ranked place we stayed because after the gorgeous ocean front AirBnBs, our semi-maybe-if-you-crane-your-neck-ocean-view was just eh. The Marriott was on Coconut Beach and the waves were extremely rough. I don't think I saw anyone swimming in the ocean (only the pool). So nothing bad about the Courtyard Marriott... it was just hard to compare to our other Maui locations. 

We flew from Maui to Kauai on Hawaiian Airlines (and had a layover in O'ahu). Our plane was super small which was a fun experience!



We couldn't resist taking goofy photos with the statues outside the Marriott. 


We checked into the hotel and decided to check out Opaekaa Falls which were right up the road.

I was feeling a little off from the flight that morning so we picked up some dinner and called it an early night. We watched 7 Pounds with Will Smith on Netflix and it was soo sad!

The next day we had some big plans! Our Jack Harter door-less helicopter ride! We got there early, they weigh you so they can tell you where to sit in the helicopter and then they do a quick orientation! Our helicopter had 5 people: Me, Ryan, an elderly couple and the pilot. We got assigned the backseat which was great because we were able to see out each side of the helicopter!

This was another occasion where having the GoPro was a great decision! We got some AMAZING videos! Here are some of the photos from those videos!


We saw so may beautiful waterfalls, canyons, the Na Pali Coast and gorgeous beaches!!


We were on such an adrenaline high for the next couple hours!

We explored and took a trip to the beach.

We even saw some natives: this pretty lizard and a big fat seal who decided to take a beach nap!



We took a hammock swing back at the hotel which was super relaxing. This is officially the moment we decided that we will someday own a hammock at our future house.


We had dinner reservations at Oasis on the Beach and this was hands down my best dinner the whole honeymoon. I had the BEST piece of steak and I am pretty sure I ate all of it!!


Another gorgeous night in Hawaii! 

Come back tomorrow to check out more awesome Kauai adventures!


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