Friday Favorites (8.24.18)

Hello and Happy Friday! 
Does anyone else feel like fall is RIGHT around the corner? It's getting progressively cooler out and the stores have already been bombarding us with Halloween stuff. Summer was so late here in MA this year and we had a lot of rainy weekends so I want to hold onto every last bit of summer that I can!!

My favorites list this week is a bit of a life lately catch-up since last week our internet wasn't working and I wasn't able to share!


To start off the week... did you catch all of the Hawaii posts!? If you like travel blogs, beach pictures, sea turtles or just want to check out what Ryan and I did on our honeymoon... you can see all the posts here: 


There have been so many new babies that entered the world this summer and I have finally made the rounds to meet them all! Welcome to the world Jace, Lily and Leah (birth order)!

And special shout out to my 10 month old niece Caroline who is really showing her personality these days...

And Sophia (my unofficial niece) to mastered walking this month and is turning 1 next week!


This week officially marks the 10 year anniversary of my freshman move in to Worcester Polytechnic Institute. I have a second cousin who is starting as a freshman this year and it has been so fun seeing her pictures and re-living my New Student Orientation. 

Here is a picture of my mom sitting at my dorm room desk on my move in day after she insisted on making my bed for the last time lol

And my freshman year suite mates after move-in! I am actually going to the Cape with two of them this weekend!


Next up on the list is Stridex. My skin has been ridiculous for the last 2 months. Super oily and I can't seem to get it to dry out. I haven't been wearing make-up and have been using face cleansing wipes aggressively to try and keep my skin oil free. These past two weeks hit a new low and I had 4 monster pimples... and I feel like I am right back in high school. No one tells you that acne still happens in your almost-30s!! I was complaining on the phone with my dad and he was telling me that his acne got worse in his 20s and 30s and Stridex worked for him. Since genetically I have him to blame for my face going on strike, I figured if they worked for him, hopefully they will work for me two. I have only been using the Stridex sensitive pads for two days now and I have noticed a difference. The red puffy swelling around my pimples have gone down and the redness only seems to be the pimple itself (which is a huge difference). I will keep you posted on the fix-my-face journey if I learn anything new!


Free Food. How does free food now make the favorite list?!
Across the street from where I work is a B Good restaurant. There is nothing too special about it except that on the phone App they give out free food here and there! This week (since it was the 1 year anniversary of me having the app) I got a free salad and side! Food tastes better when you don't have to pay for it!


And to wrap this week of favorites, another food related post! My uncle got an out-door pizza oven and we went over there last week to enjoy some pizza samplers. He loves to host people and you could tell he was in his prime making pizzas for everyone! I enjoyed eating them and the Insta-story that I made of them lol!


There was one pizza casualty that my aunt and uncle were complaining about so we lovingly named it the domestic dispute!

Depending on what time you are reading this post I am either sitting at my desk at work counting down the seconds or on my way to Wellfleet to enjoy the weekend on Cape Cod!
Happy Friday Favorites!


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