What's Up Wednesday! July 2016

What a whirlwind of a month!! 
5 different states 
2 weddings 
1 business trip
 and lots of fun!!!  

And since it's the last Wednesday of the month… Happy What's Up Wednesday! As always I am linking up with The Larson LingoMix & Match Family and  Sheaffer Told Me To to share what's up this month! To read my past What's Up Wednesday's posts…

Whats's Up Wednesday! May 2016 
What's Up Wednesday! June 2016


What we’re eating this week…

Welllll we just got back from a mini vacation in Massachusetts last night and the first thing we did was swing by Winn Dixie for some basic groceries. Dinner plan for the week will be BBQ baked chicken, chicken noodle soup, turkey burgers and baked pork chops! 

And strawberries were buy one get one free so either fruit smoothies or something strawberry dessert like! Yum!!

What I’m reminiscing about…

One really sad thing I did when I was in Massachusetts was say goodbye to my childhood home (more on this to come in a future post) and it got me thinking about all the good memories created in that house. The house was truly a home and it was sad to say goodbye.

My living room with all uncles, dad and cousins ~1994 

My favorite picture with my sister in the backyard with our stone garden bunnies ~1995

What I’m loving…

DIRECT FLIGHTS FROM NEW ORLEANS TO BOSTON. There is only one. It's Jetblue. And it is  the best!!! We usually use this flight for the end of our vacations because nothing is better then a direct flight after a fun (but tiring) vacation! Jetblue is also my FAVORITE airline. The TVs are great, the seats have decent space and unlimited snacks! 

What we’ve been up to…

Weddings. Family. Friends. Homemade Icecream. Flying. Timezones. 
Aka all of the best things! 

What I’m dreading…

Urg. My boyfriend and I share a small walk-in closet. It needs a deep clean that I have been procrastinating for a month… it's time. And I'm dreading it. 

What I’m working on…

Is it completely and totally weird that I have started planning Christmas presents?! Nothing too crazy yet. Just getting my list together so that if I come across something in the next couple months I can get a head start and shopping won't be overwhelming come November! 

For the record I get this from my mom and grandma… they are almost done with their Christmas shopping and yes it is only July! 

What I’m excited about…

I mentioned this in last Friday's Friday Favorites. Next month I am getting together with some of my freshmen year roommates for a Fort Lauderdale mini reunion! Should be fun! Hopefully we will have some great beach weather! 

What I’m watching/reading…


Eh… just the Bachelorette. I'm sort of over it this season. Ready for some other good TV to start back up. 


I am working through the Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series. I started these because they were light and quick - perfect for all the plane rides this past month! Book one was great and book two has been sort of blah. I already purchased book three so I will prob read it out of a sense of self-obligation but I'm not as thrilled or excited about them like I previously was. 

What I’m listening to…

We have been listening to a lot of 90s Summer Hits Pandora recently! Perfect for dinner prep and for fun summer get-togethers! 

What I’m wearing…

In the last month I somehow found myself purchasing two long sleeve nautical shirts with anchor patterns on them! Not sure where the craving came from but I love both of the new shirts!! Unfortunately I do not have any pictures… boo!

What I’m doing this weekend…

Oh man! No clue yet! Hopefully laying low after this past crazy weekend!

What I’m looking forward to next month…

Some beach time! 
Some relaxing! 
(Dreading the Louisiana Heat) 
Hoping for for a quick month… because I love September! 

Happy end of the month! Cant believe July is basically done!!


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