To Be Thankful For

This week is going to be a dud of a week in terms of blog posts. I am taking a break until the start of December since I will be on an adventure to Disney World/Universal Studios for the next week! When I come back I will probably still be on a Disney high so many blog posts to come on that subject (Yay? Sorry?… your call).

As it is Thanksgiving week and this will be my only post for a while, I have decided to list the things I find myself grateful for this year. 

1. Advancements in technology. This category is broad but essentially covers these important capabilities: 
    - Being able to communicate instantly… looking at you texting! 
    - Being able to Skype/FaceTime/Call my family all over the country 
    - Being able to share and receive photos (I am so visual - this is how I document life) 

2. For electricity. Again - this is super broad but last night our power went out 3 times and each time it was a mad dash for the flashlights and candles. You can forget how spoiled you can be with the TV going, laptop on, lights brightening the room meanwhile the dishwasher and laundry are running. Power controls all of this and it is important to take a minute and remember how lucky we are to have such a luxury. 

3. Medicine and its ease of availability. You get a headache - you go buy ibuprofen. You get a cut - you go buy a bandaid. You have a fever - you go get Tylenol. So many people in this world do not have this luxury. I could go on for hours with this one so let me sum it up by saying… We really are #MedicallyBlessed 

4. For a job. I work hard every time I go to work. I also know how hard it was to find a job. So many students are graduating into a world with a complex, scarce and competitive job market. No matter how sucky your job may be - remember there are those out there that would kill to be in your place. 

5. Travel. Whether it is by plane, train, bus, subway, bike or boat, we are able to travel to the craziest locations this world has to offer. Take advantage of this. Live. Travel. Explore. 

6. Family and Friends. I love the expression - "Your Friends are your chosen Family." I love my family but I also love my chosen family. To all of you - I love you! Happy Thanksgiving … Sorry we chose Disney this year instead of flying up north =) … don't worry … I'll be home for Christmas! 

And to all of you - the strangers that have taken interest in my silly blog. Thanks for making me feel heard. You are all truly incredible! 

Happy Thanksgiving! 
<3 WC 


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