Snow Frosted Pinecone Ornaments

When you walk around the seasonal section of a Walmart or Target, it always amazes me the amount of things they sell, that anyone could very easily make themselves. Biggest pet peeve – bags of pinecones! Yes I know it is nice to have a bag of perfectly shaped pinecones… but seriously most states in the US have pine trees of some variety. In other words, just go for a walk, collect some of those pine cones and get crafting! This past week - I did just that! 
A few things you should know before pinecone crafting. Anything you take in from the wilderness has the potential to be a bug habitat.
Here is what you have to do to make them bug free:
  1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees
  2. Take your pinecones and lay them out on a cookie sheet
  3. “Bake” you pinecones for 45mins flipping them on the 20min mark 
This will do two things: 1) it will kill any sneaky bugs residing in your pinecones and 2) It will open up the pinecone so that they are nice and full (this is why it is important to flip them… they look silly if only one side opens up).

Ok on to the fun stuff! I had collected a bunch of pinecones and pineterest’d the crap out of what to do with them! I decided on snow frosted pinecone ornaments. Simple project, easy to do, kid friendly and they came out beautiful!

Here is what you will need:
  • Pinecones any size
  • White paint
  • Glitter paint
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Ribbon for hanging on tree
  • Ribbon for bow (DIY or buy one pre-made) 
  1. Paint every pinecone tip white
  2. Let dry 
  3. Paint over the white parts with glitter paint
  4. Let dry
  5. Hot glue the tree-hanging ribbon into a circle
  6. Hot glue the ribbon circle onto the top of the pinecone
  7. Make a pretty bow or use an already purchased bow
  8. Hot glue the bow to be in front of your hanging ribbon on top of the pinecone
And Ta-Da! Snow Frosted Pinecone Ornaments!! 

And if you have some leftover pinecones… here are some of my other favorite Pinterest pinecone crafts!


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