Holiday Road Trip - Amish Country, Gettysburg and a Wedding!

When Ryan and I finished up work for 2018 we embarked on a road trip south to Pennsylvania and Maryland to spend some much needed time together and to celebrate our friends wedding. 

Our first stop was Amish Country. Ryan went when he was little and really wanted to go with me on our travels south. We stopped at the Amish Village and did a little bus tour of the area. 

I made a lot of animal friends on the way! 

Later that night we went to the Sight and Sound Theater! I have heard so many good things about the performances there and we were excited  to check it out. IT WAS AMAZING. Ryan and I keep joking that it is the best kept secret of Pennsylvania. If you ever find yourself in Lancaster, we would REALLY recommend it. It is like broadway-level! The performances are all biblical and the one we saw was JESUS and covered the story of Jesus finding his disciples. 

The next day we drove to Gettysburg. Now I have to warn you... I am not a big fan of anything history related so this was not really up my alley... but Ryan loves this stuff and he was so excited. 

We first checked out the museum...

Said hi to Lincoln 


And then went downtown to explore some shops. 

We then explored the Gettysburg battle fields. Ryan bought a 3 HOUR CAR AUDIO TOUR and he LOVED IT. I on the other hand took a bunch of very long naps. hahah! #Marriage

(Me between naps)

The next day we dedicated our time to all the wedding festivities. The wedding was in Taneytown at the most beautiful venue! It was all decorated for Christmas and was gorgeous!

Ryan was a groomsman and also did a reading in the wedding.

The wedding was so beautiful. I am so happy for our friends Mike and Sarah!

It was a nice mini road trip! Places and things we would of probably never checked out had we not had the wedding in the area! Can't wait for our next random adventure! 


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